This conversation among conference attendees will be facilitated through the “Socrative” app which can be downloaded to smartphones or accessed online in the conference session at
Join the Interactive Clinical Case e-Discussion
We want to hear from you! Using a program called Socrative, please send us your thoughts, comments and suggestions as you walk through and view the clinical cases on Saturday morning.
Your comments will be organized in time for Saturday afternoon’s case discussion session.
Consider sending electronic messages about:
• Diagnostic testing
• Treatments or adverse effects
• Your experience with similar patients
• Questions you would like answered during the clinical case discussion
There are 2 ways to participate:
1. Download Socrative Student (not Socrative Teacher)
2. Enter the Room number: 651778
3. You’re ready to participate!
1. Go to
2. Enter the Room number: 651778
3. You’re ready to participate!
How to send a comment or response: (all comments are anonymous)
Type your text into the green box
Start each comment with the case number followed by your comment.
For example, a comment on case #3 could look like this:
“3: saw a case like this, he did well with dapsone, took 3 months”
Press the “Submit Answer” button
On smaller screens this may be hidden behind your keyboard, so scroll down to see it
The green box will reappear so you can submit more comments. Remember to hit the “Submit Answer” button and include the case number for each comment.
Questions? Issues?
Contact Dr. Catherine Warner at or
find our Atlantic Derm Socrative Captains (wearing Socrative t-shirts).
Atlantic Derm Digital Team
Catherine Warner, MD
Chloe Etzler, MD
Christine Shaver, MD
Ryan Owen, DO
Sean Branch, DO
Amy Forrestel, MD
Derek Chu, MD
David Baird, MD
Young Lee, MD
Mark Abdelmalek, MD
Alyssa Chang
Albert Yan, MD
Lacy Sommer, MD
Erum Ilyas, MD
Richard Torbeck, MD
Badri Modi, MD
Kristen Foering, MD
Jamie Goldberg, MD